Intellectual Property Management

Sponsor Common Law Partner Canada

Trademarks, Patents, Copyright, Industrial Designs and Utility Models.

We help entrepreneurs and SMEs understand the value of their IP and promote it.

Against the backdrop of solid economic growth world- wide, global intellectual property (IP) filing activity set new records in 2018. Patent filings around the world reached 3.17 million, representing a 5.8% growth on figures. Trademark filing activity totaled 12.39 mil- lion, up 26.8% on 2016. Industrial design filing activity exceeded 1.24 million. China remained the main driver of global growth in IP filings. From already high levels, patent filings in China grew by 14.2% and trademark filing activity in China by 55.2%. These high growth rates propelled China’s shares of global patent filings and trademarks filing activity to reach 43.6% and 46.3%, respectively.

Japan (+24.2%) and the United States of America (+12.6%) also saw strong growth in trademark filing activity. However, both of those countries recorded almost no growth in patent filings. The Republic of Korea saw a decline in filing activity for patents and trademarks for the second consecutive year. Other notable trends include large increases in trademark filing activity in the Islamic Republic of Iran (+87.9%), the United Kingdom (+24.1%) and Canada (+19.5%). With regard to industrial design filing activity, the United Kingdom (+92.1%), Spain (+23.5%) and Switzerland (+17.9%) saw double-digit growth in 2017. (WIPO 2018)

Thus the protection of Intellectual Property investments in Research and Development (R&D) seems essential for all businesses seeking to protect their inventions. Globalization imposes a protection beyond the border and especially in emerging markets to gain new markets and prevent the illegal appropriation of technologies and knowledge.

With more than 10 years of experience in the field of Intellectual Property, our team offers you the opportunity to design an adequate policy for your Intellectual Property and understand how you can use its enormous potential and power by providing business and marketing consultation regarding Trademarks, Patents, Copyright, Industrial Designs and Utility Models.

intellectual property management

Intellectual Property by facts

  • Innovations supported by patents are worths twice as much as those that are not
    • IP speed up venture capital funding for start-ups by 76%
    • IP helps SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Entreprises) to innovate: smaller companies in the UK file ten times more patent and trademark application for their size compared to larger companies
    • SMEs that use IP experience greater growth in market share (49% of IP reliant firms vs 39% of firms without IPRs)
    • SMEs that use IP experience greater growth in number of employees (42% vs 22%)
    • SMEs that use IP experience greater growth in turnover (61% vs 51%)

Eric Saie has extensive knowledge of IP in;

  • National, regional and international substantive patent law, PLT, PCT, EPC, regional treaties such as OAPI, ARIPO, NAFTA and the Andean Pact.
  • Patent granting and revocation.
  • IP Rights related to literary, artistic and scientific work, neighbouring rights, performances of performing artists, phonograms and broadcasts, WIPO Copyright Treaty and WPPT
  • IP & Scientific discoveries, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks and commercial names and designations
  • Protection against unfair competition
  • Utility patents, compulsory licenses
  • Enforcement proceeding

Source: WIPO

We serve clients across Iran (Shiraz, Isfahan, Tehran, Tabriz), France (Paris, Bordeaux), Canada (Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Ontario)